Cancer Community Partnership Fund 

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Thank you for your interest in the Suffolk & NE Essex Integrated Care Board (SNEE ICB) Cancer Community Partnership Fund.
The purpose of the fund is to support work that will increase the proportion cancers diagnosed in the early stages (Stage 1 & 2). Increase in early stage diagnosis will be demonstrated through the following four indicators:


  • Increased uptake of National Screening Programmes
  • Improved awareness of signs and symptoms of cancer
  • Reduced health inequalities and improved access for Inclusion Health across SNEE as relating to earlier diagnosis
  • Personalised Care

If you have any questions or wish to discuss your funding needs with us before completing the form then please contact the grants team on 01245 355947, by e-mail at or book a call with a grants officer here.

About Your Organisation


Main Contact

Would you like us to use the organisation's address for correspondence or your home address?

Organisation Details

Organisation details

As a first time applicant, we require the details of someone who can act as a reference for your organisation. This should be a professional who can easily talk about your work in Essex. They cannot be a committee member, volunteer or user of the organisation. 

Organisation Information


Please answer with a yes / no / not applicable. We understand many non-profit organisations are exempt from registering,

Bank Account
Don't worry if your organisation does not have their own bank account. E-mail or call 01245 355 947 and we can talk you through the options before you click submit.

Your Request

Please include information on the following: Is this is a new or existing project? Will you be working in partnership with any other organisations to deliver this work?

The four indicators are: Increased uptake of National Screening Programmes; Improved awareness of signs and symptoms of cancer; Reduced health inequalities and improved access for Inclusion Health across SNEE as relating to earlier diagnosis; Personalised Care 
Please include information on any of the following: Will your project aim to raise awareness of cancer symptoms and how to seek appropriate help? Which cancer speciality will you raise awareness of? Will your project support achieving the national screening targets for breast, colorectal and cervical cancers?

Budget and Documents



If you have any other supporting documents please e-mail them to

And finally.......

the terms and conditions.... Don't worry we have kept them short!

You can read our full terms and conditions on our website but these are the key points


I am authorised to make this application on behalf of the above organisation, and I certify that the information contained in this application is correct


By submitting this application

I understand that any grant is awarded on the basis of the information supplied in this application


I understand that the Cancer Partnership Community Panel will have discretion to ask for further information before a final decision and place conditions on the use of any grant


I understand that any and all monies awarded must be used for exclusively charitable purposes


I understand that if successful I will need to complete an Equality Impact Assessment


I understand that monitoring reports will need to be completed as outlined in the fund criteria and guidelines

I understand that multiyear grants are paid in annual instalments subject to the satisfactory completion of interim reports


If your application is successful, you are agreeing to any information about your organisation being used in publicity by ECF and/or Suffolk and North East Essex ICB


I understand that failure to comply with any of the above will impact on future applications for funding and in serious cases may result in grant monies being reclaimed